The Province of Vicenza borders with:

  • the Provinces of Trento and Belluno to the north;
  • the Provinces of Treviso and Padua to the east; and
  • the Province of Verona to the south and west.

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The Province of Vicenza is wider to the north and narrows in the south. Its territory is varied: plains to the south, hills in the centre and mountains to the northwest like an amphitheater.

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To the south and north east of Vicenza, one finds the Pianura Vicentina (the Plains of Vicenza) which has many waterways, both natural and man made. It has fertile lands, many towns and splendid villas and gardens. These villas were once the dwellings of noble families that adorned them with works of art that can still be admired today.

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The Monti Berici are of volcanic origin and are an isolated group of mountains about 20 kilometers long. They are rather uniform and have gentle slopes with many vineyards and olive groves. The sumptuous patrician villas found on the Monti Berici and among the more beautiful in all of the Veneto.

The highest peak is only 440 meters. However, the panoramas from that vantagepoint are so beautiful and breath taking, especially in Spring, that they bring back numerous visitors and tourists.

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The Pre-Alps are a mountain chain that is not too tall. They descend from the high plains of the Monti Lessini and from the group of Piccole Dolomiti (Small Dolomites). The highest peaks in the chain are Cima Posta at 2,259 m and Pasubio at 2,235 m.

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The carious valleys in Vicenza are:

The Valley of Torrente Chiampo;

The Valle dell’Agno, flourishing with various cultivations, forests of chestnut, beech and ash. In the southern area of this valley, one finds the well-known resort of Recoaro.

The Valle del Leogra, a wide and gently rolling landscape on one side; it rises to the Plane of the Fugazze. In the Alta (High) Valle del Leogra, there are fortifications that are testimony of the glorious exploits of the Italian Alpine Corp. (the Alpini) during the First World War. Near the border with Trento, at a height of 1,210 meters, begins the famous “Road of the First Armada”, dug from the rock and about 10 kilometres in length, it passes through 52 tunnels and by impressive gullies and steep cliffs until it arrives at Porte di Pasubio at 1,934 meters;

The Val d’Astico, the highest of all the valleys in Vicenza, it is wide, green and well treed.

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The vast Altipiano (“Highlands) of Asiago is a magnificent stretch of rolling plains, open pastures and thick coniferous forests. At the centre, there is the Conca of Asiago, a tourist centre of great interest. The climate is very good, mild and dry. The vastness of the forests, the pure air, the great pastures and the excellent infrastructure make it a well visited tourist centre both in winter and summer. To the north, there rises a chain of Dolomite Peaks: Cima Dodici (2,341 m), Cima Portale (2,310 m) and Monte Ortigara (2,105 m) known as the “Calvario degli Alpini”. Who could believe that on this serene and enchanting plain, the First World War (1915-1918) once raged?

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Lonigo: This city has the majestic Palazzo Comunale, the Villa Giovannelli which is surrounded by a beautiful park, and Villa Pisani.

Noventa Vicentina: This is an attractive little city of ancient origins with a beautiful Palazo Comunale and an imposing Duomo (church).

Montecchio Maggiore: A large centre with ruins of Scaligeri Castles, which hearken back to romantic legends.

Valdagno: This City has a formidable industrial complex and is one of the major industrial centres in Italy for the production of wool.

Recoaro Terme: Noted for its springs of healing waters and, in winter, for its ski hills at Recoaro Mille. In this gracious city there are very large establishments for bottling the spring water and the famous “Recoaro” refreshments.

Schio: A small and modern City on the shore of the Leogra River, it is found at the centre of a basin surrounded by a range of mountains. It is renowned from the 16th Century for its works in wool.

Thiene: An agricultural and industrial centre. One finds the palazzo Porto Colleoni in elegant gothic-Venetian style and the Duomo.

Asiago: A distinct city in the midst of dazzling pastures, it was entirely reconstructed after the First World War. It is a very frequented summer vacation spot as well as one for winter sports activities.

Marostica: This is a very picturesque little city that is surrounded by medieval walls. The Piazza Castello is where the famous chess game with live pieces is played. It is also the cherry capital.

Bassano del Grappa: This city is situated at the mouth of the Valley of the Brenta. It is an ancient city with many monuments and its old, but characteristic, porticos. The façades of the houses being decorated and along with the many villas and parks, it has a fascination all its own. The most typical and picturesque monument is the characteristic Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge) also known as Ponte degli Alpini (Bridge of the Alpine Corp.). This covered bridge is made entirely of wood and gives an excellent view of the shores of the Brenta River. Of note is the craftsmanship in ceramic works for which the Bassano area is famous.

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Trissino Gian Giorgio, from Vicenza City (1478 – 1550): Poet and Educator

Da Porto Luigi, from Vicenza City (1485 – 1529): Historian and Novelist

Antonio Pigafetta, from Vicenza City (15th – 16th Centuries): Explorer

Jacopo Bassano, from Bassano del Grappa (1510 – 1592): Painter

Vincenzo Scamozzi, from Vicenza City (1552 – 1616): Great Architect

Arnaldo Fusinato, from Schio (1817 – 1888): Poet and Patriot

Antonio Fogazzaro, from Vicenza City (1842 – 1911): Poet and Writer: one of the greatest Italian writers of the 1800’s

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Vicenza City is situated in a rather pleasant area. It is at the foothills of the Monti Berici near a very fertile plain. As a backdrop, there are the highlands of Asiago and the Monte Grappa. The City has developed various industries such as machinery, chemical, foodstuffs, ceramics and goldsmith.

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The City has rather ancient origins. It once belonged to the Etruscans and to the Galli until, in the 2nd Century BC, it was conquered by the Romans and became the seat of a “Municipium”. It is in this period that the City develops and acquires many temples, baths, aqueducts and theatres. It was then devastated by the Barbarians and almost destroyed by Attila in 452 AD. Later the Goti, Longobardi and the Franchi dominated it. At about 1000 AD the Imperial Bishops began to govern the City. However, the citizens rebelled from this tyranny and drove out its oppressors. Now begins a period where Vicenza is a free city state. However, after many wars and the rule of the Da Romano, Da Carrara, Scaglieri and Viscount families, Vicenza City voluntarily submits itself to the rule of Venice in 1404.

The 1500’s are a golden century for this City because it acquires many fabulous buildings, which renew the architectural landscape and makes it an ideal city for the Renaissance. The father of this redevelopment is the great architect, Andrea Palladio who was able to combine the majestic aspects of ancient architecture with the grace and beauty of Venetian art. In his honour, Vicenza City is sometimes called “Palladio’s City”.

In 1813, Vicenza City falls under the rule of the Austrians and in 1866 it is liberated and reunited with the Realm of Italy. During the Second World War, the City is heavily bombed during allied air campaigns.

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Vicenza City also has another name: “The City of Buildings“. In fact, no other City can claim as many buildings of artistic value as Vicenza can.

n Piazza dei Signori, the monumental centre of the City, one can admire:

  • the Basilica, or the Palazzo della Ragione, a masterpiece of Andrea Palladio;
  • the Torre di Piazza, at a height of 83 meters;
  • the Loggia del Capitanio, also by Palladio; and
  • the picturesque Palazzo del Monte di Pietà.

In Piazza Duomo, we find the Duomo, (14th – 16th Century), with a gothic façade covered with multicoloured marble and topped off by a cupola designed by Palladio; the Palazzo Vescovile.

Along Corso Andrea Palladio, there is

  • the grandiose Palazzo Bonin;
  • the 15th Century Palazzo Capra;
  • the Palazzo Thiene and the very elegant Palazzo Braschi, both in gothic-venetian style;
  • the Palazzo del Comune;
  • the Palazzo da Schio, a jewel of the gothic-venetian art;
  • the Dominican Church of Santa Corona with admirable works of art by famous artists;
  • the Casa Palladio, designed by Palladio himself;
  • the magnificent Palazzo Chiericati, also by Palladio, and home of the Civic Museum which houses a rich art gallery.

Among many other buildings and monuments, the Teatro Olimpico is noteworthy. It is the last creation of Palladio and its interior is fantastically decorated with plaster relieves and statues.

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