Since 1977, Eliseo Sartor, the former president of the Famiglia Bellunese and representative for the Veneto Region (Consultore Regionale) for all of North America, met regularly with the presidents of the Piave Trevisano Club, the Club Vicentino, the Famiglia Bellunese, the San Marco Veneto Club and the Associazione Trevisani nel Mondo, with the objective of listening to our desires and to learn what were the needs and aspirations of the Veneto community. As Consultore Regionale, Mr. Sartor acted as a bridge between North America and the Veneto Region.
It is from these meetings that the concept of a federation of the various Veneto based groups begins to grow slowly of its own accord and following a series of events that, like the small tiles of a mosaic, come together at just the right place and time, to unite in perfect concordance, to create a complete picture, a body that is much larger, more global and more representative than the single club.
The first set of written minutes regarding the Veneto Federation bears the date of February 1, 1982. From this first official meeting, it is evident that, although there are various points of view, all are in agreement on the goals that must be achieved: the need to create a Veneto Centre for all Veneti and the need for all to work together, an indispensable requirement in order to not lose the Veneto identity.
1982 saw a very important report given by Mr. Camillo Milani. Through his initial contacts at the Ministries of the Environment and of Housing of the Government of Ontario, he sought to convince the Government to transfer the lands on which the Veneto Centre currently resides to the benefit of all Veneti living in Toronto and the surrounding area. The persons first charged with the development of the Veneto Centre are: Eliseo Sartor, Andrea Pozzebon, Romeo Biasi, Guerino Zanette, Pietro Ferraro, Carlo Brentel and Luigi Zoppi.
As well, in 1982, the task of writing a set of by-laws for the Veneto Federation is assigned to professor Ottorino Bressan. This task will see him at work for several months with the help of several people. The by-laws are subsequently translated into English by Franco Piccione.
With widening consensus, meetings turn to action and the name of Federation of Veneto Clubs and Associations of Ontario, is officially adopted.
The first General Assembly of the Veneto Federation took place on April 1, 1984, at the Montecassino Place banquet Hall. The chairmen of the meeting are Giorgio Beghetto and Paolo Bortolotto. Speeches in favour of the Federation were made by Eliseo Sartor, Pietro Ferraro, Andrea Pozzebon, Carlo Brentel, Enzo Chilese, Bruno Duso and Gilberto Gatto.
Among the various ideas and sentiments emerges one that is fundamental in its scope: “That the directors of the various Veneti clubs, through their meetings, conscious of the impossibility and the futility for each to have their own headquarters, have nurtured the idea and the hope that together they can give life to a community project that can effectively satisfy the needs of each club. It is recognized, above all else, that there is a need for cultural exchanges between Veneto Youth born in Canada and those from the Veneto itself in order to build a bridge for cultural and commercial exchange between the two new generations”.
The vote, by show of hands, on the validity of the concept of “Federation“, receives unanimous approval. On April 11, 1984, the Federation is officially born with the signature and acceptance of the incorporation documents.

The second General Assembly takes place at the Rio Banquet Hall on January 27, 1985: the time to roll up the sleeves and work hard has come. On this occasion, Diulio Milanese, official contact with the City of Vaughan, has the pleasure to announce that the parcel of land has been finally given by the Province of Ontario and the City of Vaughan to the stewardship of the Veneto Federation to construct the much desired and long dreamed of Veneto Centre.
Many are those who wish to participate on the Board of Directors or its committees formed to meet the various needs of the Federation such as fund raising, construction of the Centre and increasing membership.
The cornerstone of the Federation is laid on July 17, 1988. Participating at this ceremony are Lorna Jackson, mayor of the City of Vaughan, Giuseppe Carraro, the President of the Veneto Federation and Don Mario Bellinaso, celebrant of the mass.
Later in 1989, begins the construction of the pavilion, two meeting rooms and related site services. The years following are very busy and intense for the Federation: hundreds of meetings, some success, the occasional failure, General Assemblies each year, private donations, construction of the Rialto Room and the Tennis Centre, and the addition of other clubs to the Federation family.
Like a large ocean liner, the Federation has and continues to require a skilled captain to guide it safely to port: the Veneto Centre. The following are the presidents who have succeeded in turn to take the helm of the Federation: Carlo Brentel, Paolo Bortolotto, Luigi Smali, Giuseppe Carraro and Domenico Angaran, the present president who has been in charge since 1992 and whom we must thank for his complete dedication to the perfect operation and integration of the carious aspects of the Federation.
At present, the following clubs and associations are found under the umbrella of the Veneto Centre:
- Veneto Centre
- Associazione Trevisani nel Mondo
- San Marco Veneto Club
Membership in the Veneto Federation is open to all who wish to join. There are two classes of membership: Regular and Honourary. The only difference between the two is that Regular members may eventually sit on the Board of Directors. Other than this, both groups enjoy all other rights and privileges in common. Regular membership is open to all people of Veneto origin or descent.
The Veneto Federation is an umbrella organization for 6 member groups. In order to have membership in the Veneto Federation, one must first become a member of one of these 6 groups. Each group has representation on the Board of Directors. They all have the Veneto as a common thread, but each brings a bit of distinction as to the people it attracts and the benefits it provides (See “About Us” for more information on each individual club). The Membership fee for each of these organizations includes the $50 portion that pays for the Federation membership. More details are provided below.
Membership in the Veneto Federation allows you to attend and vote at the annual general meeting. It also means that you will be placed on the Veneto Federation mailing list. You will receive all mailings of our newsletter, “Terra Veneta“, and will receive advance notice of all events. Your membership will also allows free entrance to the Veneto Centre on Sundays in the summer during picnics with exception to picnics sponsored by the Veneto Federation or one of its affiliated groups.
Veneto Centre Membership |
$100.00 |
Trevisani Nel Mondo with Veneto Centre & Giornale | $135.00 |
Trevisani Nel Mondo with Veneto Centre (NO Giornale) | $110.00 |
Trevisani Nel Mondo with young Family Veneto (NO Giornale) | $60.00 |
San Marco | $100.00 |
San Marco with Spouse | $110.00 |